7 warning signs
of heart failure
If you have one or more
of these heart failure symptoms,
see your doctor.

How much do you know
about cancer prevention?
Take this quiz to test your knowledge.

Heart risks you can change
Heart disease is the leading cause of death,
but you can take steps to avoid it.
- 4 signs you may need a new hip
- 4 signs you might have carpal tunnel syndrome
- 5 facts about the common cold
- 5 important facts about prediabetes
- 5 key facts about flu vaccines
- 5 nutrients vegetarians need
- 5 steps to clean hands
- 5 warning signs of peripheral artery disease
- 5 ways to get to doctor's visits
- 5 ways to improve your mood
- 6 ways to avoid cancer
- 7 great reasons to walk out your door
- 7 keys to healthy aging
- 7 warning signs of heart failure
- 7 ways to ease gas and bloating
- 8 mammogram facts to know
- 8 ways to ease anxiety
- 9 aging myths
- 9 ways to take charge of your blood pressure
- Anatomy of the back
- Anatomy of the heart
- Are you sabotaging your diet?
- Avoid complications after hip replacement
- Avoid holiday fires
- Avoiding illness at school
- Backpack basics
- Balance exercise: Standing leg lifts
- Balance exercises
- Bathroom fall prevention
- Benefits of quitting smoking
- Bicycle safety tips
- Build a better bond with your child
- Cardiac rehabilitation myths and facts
- Causes of neck pain
- Cervical cancer prevention
- Choosing and storing fruit
- Cold or flu?
- Cold remedies that work
- Cold storage safety
- Colorectal cancer screening
- Cookout safety
- COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts
- Crib safety basics
- Crutches 101
- Depression in women
- Diabetes checkups and when to get them
- Diabetes complications in women
- Diabetes myths
- Diabetes superfoods
- Diabetes symptoms
- Diabetes: Coping with emotional challenges
- Diet and cholesterol
- Drinking to excess
- Eat better for your heart
- Egg safety
- Exercise facts and myths
- Exercising with arthritis
- Fire safety at home
- First aid essentials. How to make a kit fit for first aid
- Flu infection facts
- Food and your mood
- Foods to avoid during pregnancy
- Foot health problems
- Garden safety
- Get fit 10 minutes at a time
- Getting active again after joint replacement
- Good sources of calcium
- Health wisdom or hoax?
- Healthy habits after breast cancer
- Healthy shopping on a budget
- Heart attack symptoms
- Heart risks you can change
- Heart valve disease: An overview
- Heartburn triggers. Can you avoid the burn?
- Helping your LGBTQ child stay healthy
- Hip arthritis: 6 effective treatments
- Hip replacement surgery myths and facts
- How alcohol damagesyour body
- How diabetes damages the body
- How high blood pressure damages the body
- How much activity do kids need?
- How the flu spreads
- How to be a better listener
- How to build a healthy family dynamic
- How to build social bonds
- How to care for aging skin
- How to choose and store vegetables
- How to control asthma triggers
- How to get the most from a doctor's visit
- How to keep bones healthy for life
- How to picture proper portions
- How to practice mindful eating
- How to prevent diabetes foot ulcers
- How to prevent infections during chemotherapy
- How to prevent low back pain
- How to read a supplement label
- How to remove a tick
- How to set up a sickroom
- How to shake the salt habit
- How to spot COPD flare-ups
- How to support kids during difficult times
- How to support someone at a medical visit
- How to support your immune system
- How to test your blood sugar
- How to use a peak flow meter
- Imaging and radiation facts and myths
- Keep track of your medical information
- Know your fats
- Leaving the hospital: 5 ways to get ready
- Life expectancy at birth
- Living well with kidney disease
- Living with a pacemaker or ICD
- Making smart calorie cuts
- Mammograms: Steps to success
- Manage stress at work
- Mental health: Tips for talking with your provider
- Migraine facts and myths
- Mix your own mocktails
- Monitoring heart failure
- Noninvasive heart tests
- Nonsurgical treatments for back pain
- Opioid myths and facts
- Pick your produce
- Poison prevention
- Portion sizing
- Pregnancy and sleep problems
- Pregnancy: How baby develops
- Reap the benefits of family meals
- Reduce your risk of falling
- Reduce your risk of blood clots after surgery
- Safety musts when giving medicine to babies
- Say good night to screens for better sleep
- Screening tests for women
- Signs of lung disease
- Skin cancer signs
- Sleep needs
- Sleep safety for baby
- Smart medicine strategies
- Smart snacking
- Smoking in America
- Smoking and the body
- Stress hurts: This is your body under pressure
- Stroke warning signs
- Summer food safety on the go
- Sun safety
- Surprising sources of fiber
- Telehealth: Tips for a great video visit
- The downside of delaying arthritis treatment
- The sun and your skin
- The types of cholesterol
- This mold house
- Tip-over prevention
- Treating sports injuries
- Types of bariatric surgery
- Understanding herd immunity
- Using car seats safely
- Volunteering and your health
- Weight-loss do’s and don’ts
- What to do when cancer ruins your appetite
- What to expect from your new hip
- What vaccines does your child need?
- What your pee color means
- What's in cigarette smoke?
- What happens during an asthma attack
- While you were sleeping
- Why choose water
- Why we gain weight